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Truck Accidents Influence Movement For Change In Law

Posted by James Cummings | Oct 17, 2018 | 0 Comments

Large commercial trucks have the potential to cause major accidents on Connecticut roads. According to federal data, large truck crash fatalities rose significantly between 2009 and 2014. Despite this problem, trucks are not required to use crash-avoidance technology, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Association has largely ignored pleas from the National Transportation Safety Board to change this law.

According to the safety board, many of the accidents caused within the last decade could have been avoided or mitigated with crash-avoidance technology. In a press release, the NHTSA said that it is researching the technology and will come up with a recommendation of its use by 2020. Companies that develop these products say that automatic braking systems could prevent seven out of 10 accidents and significantly reduce the harm caused in others.

Lobbying groups for the trucking industry say that they recommend companies use crash mitigation technology, but they don't believe it should be mandatory. They are concerned about the financial burden of the technology as well as its actual effectiveness. In the U.S. Senate, some senators are taking a closer look at the issue and recommending new laws be enacted. They believe that important road safety issues should not just be left to the invisible hand of the market.

When a people are injured in trucking accidents that are caused by vehicles with or without crash-avoidance technology, they may be eligible for compensation from the responsible parties. It's the job a lawyer to carefully investigate the accident in questions and determine if a lawsuit is in their client's best interests. Compensation may be mandated for medical bills, lost wages, property damage and pain and suffering.

About the Author

James Cummings

James lives in Southbury with his wife, Lynn, and their children, James, and Chloe. He enjoys skiing and fishing in his spare time, and is actively involved in local civil affairs in his hometown of Southbury and the greater Waterbury area.


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